Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Florida Trip

We took our anniversary trip a few weeks ago and had a blast! We flew to Orlando first class both ways (thanks to my grandma's standby passes). We stayed with Evan's sister Jill and her family. It was so much fun just getting to relax, swim, go to the beach, and eat some good food. On the last day of our trip, we went to Disney World's Magic Kingdom. We also got to stay at the Hilton (which was really nice). Overall it was a much needed break. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

At the Florida Temple with Jill and Tyler.

Evan surfing with Tyler

Swimming in their pool

Outside Squidlips

Taking a trip on the black ghost

Evan with our nephew Keith

At one of the happiest places on Earth

One of my favorite characters growing up was Cinderella, so Evan was nice enough to stand in line with me for an hour to take a picture with her.

In front of the spitting camel

A yummy bakery we went to.

Evan's favorite ride.

Evan hit the jackpot when at "Pacos Bill" he ordered a hamburger and you could put as many sauteed mushrooms on it as you wanted.

1 comment:

  1. We had such a great time with you guys! I haven't laughed that hard in forever! Ho-ho-ho-ho-HO! Come back anytime! :D
